Aviator College Library Mission Statement

The library provides resources to support the College’s mission and program offering, serving students and faculty using the most up to date resources needed to receiving licenses/ratings/degrees.

  • Assist in the acquisition of information competency skills and knowledge necessary for successful careers

  • Provide instruction and assistance concerning integrity as a professional in the aviation industry

  • Working with faculty

Library Code of Ethics

Aviator College recognizes and adheres to the American Library Association’s “Library Code of Ethics"

I.We provide the highest level of service to all library users through appropriate and usefully organized resources; equitable service policies; equitable access; and accurate, unbiased, and courteous responses to all requests. 

II.We uphold the principles of intellectual freedom and resist all efforts to censor library resources. 

III.We protect each library user's right to privacy and confidentiality with respect to information sought or received and resources consulted, borrowed, acquired or transmitted. 

IV.We respect intellectual property rights and advocate balance between the interests of information users and rights holders.  

"Professional Ethics", American Library Association, May 19, 2017. http://www.ala.org/tools/ethics (Accessed September 20, 2019) Document ID: 39f580a8-833d-5ad4-f900-53ecfe67eb1f


The Library and Resource Center is a place to study, use the computer and spend downtime; users need to be especially mindful of their conduct, which should always be professional and respectful of other users.  Users must follow the reasonable directives of the Librarian or other library staff. 

The Library and Resource Center is available for use by all members of the Aviator College community.


The Library and Computer Lab are open Monday -Thursday from 8am- 7pm and Friday from 8am-6pm, except college holidays.  Library and Resource Center hours are subject to change.

Identification and Borrowing

You will be asked for your ID at time of check out. You’re responsible for items charged to your account.

Overdue Items and Fines

Overdue items will accrue fines of $1.00 per business day.  Items not returned within two (2) weeks of the due date will result in a bill to the student's school account for the total cost of item replacement plus a $15.00 processing fee. 

Item lost or damaged upon return will also result in a bill for the total cost of item replacement plus a $15.00 processing fee.

All books are to be checked out. Possessing an item that is not checked out to you is a violation of the Student Code of Conduct (item 6) and may be subject to disciplinary action.


Aviator College provides computers and software while you are an active member. By using a computer, you agree to:

  • Save on USB drive or print materials. 
  • Be respectful of the equipment and other users
  • Any violation of Student Conduct Code Items 16 and 17 in the College Handbook may be subject to disciplinary action
Printing & Copying

Printing and copying services are available to all Aviator College community members.  See library staff to set up your account.

Lbrary staff is  also available to answer basic questions and technical issues


The rates for printing and/or copying are:

  • Black and White: $.10 (ten cents) per page
  • Color:  $.25 (twenty-five cents) per page

  The total of each will be show on your student account summary

Aviator College LLRC complies with the laws and regulations in the Copyright Law of the United States (Title 17, U.S. Code). The Copyright Clearance Center (CCC) provides detailed information about copyright. 

For more information go to https://www.copyright.com/learn/media-download/copyright-on-campus/